Den Chat mit Natalie (komplett englisch)

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Geschrieben von Largo am 07. Oktober 2000 16:54:52:

by Anonymous

Natalie Portman> which will allow me, if i stopped shooting, to do something else in my life...
NP> ..
Mr Wickham> Liam Neeson is one of our favortie actors here in Ireland. How was working with him ?
NP> Thanks for your question and i salute Ireland and its green hills!...
NP> I'd say that Liam has been a very pleasant partner with who I had the pleasure to shoot with; he's a really good guy..
Mod> What is your favourite film ?
NP> I've got lots ! Among the ones i did ?...
Olorin> Yes
NP> Of course this is Star Wars first! ... but i also liked..
NP> shooting with Woody Allen in Everybody says I Love You...
Tyler_Durden> Would you accept a role in a movie directed by a non famous director, just for the beauty of the script ?
NP> Yes probably, if the role is for me and that i'm not asked to do some insane stuff...
koolman> College studies aren't too hard ?
NP> No, that's allright, Thanks!... And you, what do you do ?.. (i also can ask questions... ? ...
maven> How much do your fans mean to you ?
koolman> poor student too ;p
NP> So much!...? ...I really don't know!...
NP> No, just kidding, i really think this is a big joy...
NP> to have people who appreciate what I do for them... I am really happy about that, whynot tell it ?
NP> ..
Olorin> What are your projects in the continuation of your studies ?
NP> I'll do - at least! - 2 more years of studies...
NP> Then, we'll seeif I got time (and courage!...) to go on to a superior degree
NP> ..
filbat> Is George Lucas a nice person, during work and out of it ?
NP> Yes, he's often described in press as mister stingy, hard to work with; I think he's one the the new great geniuses of cinema...
NP> and personally, i've always been in good terms with him...
Tyler Durden> Could you ask George Lucas if i could play in Star Wars Episode 3 the role of young Han Solo ?
NP> ... Alas, i don't decide !!!
NP> ..
Hazi-B> Hi Nat. I'm sure you've taken a vow of vilence in matters concerning Episode II, but amuse us: If Episode II was some other movie, what would it be ?
NP> But you still can send a letter and a photo to George Lucas...
NP> He always answers mail...
SuperShamou> After the success of Episode 1, the number of your fans doesn't stop to grow, and your popularity increases, aren't you afraid that your career, the journalists and the fans become more important than your private life ? Aren't you afraid of becoming as a star as Julia Roberts ? Do you know SuperShamou ?
NP> Episode 2 won't look like any other movie... (surprise!!!...)
Olorin> What are you cinema projects except the third Star Wars N
NP> Precedent question: i protect my private life and the medias respect that for the moment...
NP> I think you have to know how to be balanced in this work and don't do everything possible just for the pretext of being under the spotlights
NP> Personally, i decided to know something else that spending my life in front of a camera repeating texts that others...
NP> ...would have wrote for me..> What is for you the major difference between Episode 1 and 2 ?
NP> some projects; I am, like everybody, superstitious enough to avoid evoking them before they become sure...
Ani Skylover> Do you play in more scenes in Episode 2 ?
NP> Unfortunately, I can't unveil anything about Episode 2...
Np> but it'll come really soon...
mrrichlev> Do you plan to ever direct a film ?
Np> No, not for the moment..
fred> Which scene touched you the most in the Professional ?
NP> it's difficult to choose a particular scene...
Mod > In which TV serie would you like to play ?
NP> Thanks for the virtual roses...
NP> For the moment, i don't want to play in a TV serie..
Jar Jar Bings< How can we be sure that you're really Natalie Portman ?
NP> Then, call canalchat.. I'm talking right now with their journalist, live...
NP> .. But are you really Jar Jar...
NP> ..
Is it true you speak a bit of french ?
NP> Yes, i'm lucky i can speak hebrew, french and japanese... and english too!... But i stop there..
liam> Who are your favourite musical artists ?
NP> we already answered that question (editor's note)..
@lbedo> Do you ever plan to appear in a french movie ?
NP> ..I told some minutes ago, that if there was an opportunity wit hLuc Besson (or another director!)...
NP> I'd be delighted to shoot again with actors from France...
Iguenaelà> What sport does she like ?
NP> I did much dance when i was little and i continue a bot...
NP> i also like swimming and basket-ball...
Raph_n_Jug> Nat, being born in Israel, how do you feel about the latest happenings there ?
NP> I find that situation terrible for the people there; i hope from the bottom of my heart that things will calm down...
NP> but today's latest events don't make me optimistic
fred> What are for you, the main qualities of a good actress ?
NP> I think that you got to be totally in your role...
NP> You got to completely be inside your character; believe at 100% in the one you play... but understand too the sensitivity of the director to understand better his final intentions...
God is a DJ> Hi Natalie, how does this chat experience make you feel?
NP> I'm glad to play..
vengo> Do you feel closer to independant movies or blockbusters ?
NP> No, i like both equally..
Tony> Is this your first chat ?
NP> No, i've already participated in some interviews like this one, but it's true that i should do more...
NP> i'm happy to have a direct link with the people who like my work..
Anakin2002> Do you have an internet adress ?
NP> email adress...yes, but you'll understand that i won't give it!!! I would be overwhelmed with mails... You can still write me at my agent..
Ugo Antilles> If were to be remade, would you accept the proposition that G. Lucas made you at the time ?
NP> Yes... Whynot ?..., other questions, Paris ?..
Richard> Wouldn't you ever make a movie, done by one of your fans if he/she offered you an enough good script ?
NP> But yes ! whynot !... you got to send me a sypnosis...
NP> via Canalchat if you had an idea to propose...
Winston> Do you consider continuing your actress career or will you abandon it to start another totally new ?
NP> hum no, i'll continue...
NP> the longest time possible...
NP> ..
Vince FX> Do you think you'll continue your actress career in Science Fiction movies or in comedies ? or both ? (PS: anyway you'll always be splendid and incomparable to my eyes.
NP> Thank you for the compliment that touches me much...!
NP> No, i think
NP> that i can play in both...., no ?
NP> ..
Meiji> Nat, do you know how to surf the web ? Or did you take some lessons since last time you answered "no" to that question !!!
NP> Yes I "cured"
NP> a bit... mais
NP> i'm not a champion yet!
Hayatian> Miss, i find you're an extraordinary actor and that you're extremely beautiful. Will you stay in films, or change career after the Star Wars movies
NP> I think that one should not lock himself
NP> in a character, at the risk
NP> that it sticks
NP> then too much to him...
Founipoun> Not too tired of this long shooting in Australia, Tunisia, Italy and Spain ?
NP> That was tiring,
NP> magical... and marvellous!
NP> all at the same time!...
Samy> With the passed time, are you proud of all of the films you did ?
NP> Yes, i don't regret one.. !
Maxime> Hello Natalie! I'm a big fan of you since already 5 years. I saw all the movies you were in, even Developing. I hope you'll continue t odo films cause you're an excellent actress. My question is about that... Hope you to continue in cinema after college ? Plus, can we hope to see you in other films that the next two Star Wars ?
NP> Thank you for the compliments,
NP> i'm spoiled !
NP> Of course i will
NP> continue in cinema!...
Valentin> The first films you did all have that "independant" and european side (Luc Besson, Woody Allen, Tim Burton who arent' in the USA what they represent in France) and today your films are much more american (Home is where the heart is, anywhere but here) and pass almost inperceived in France. Is it a deliberated choice to approach american cinema ? Aren't there offers from eropean directors ? I know you learnt japanese and french,
NP> I don't think i beacame
NP> more american!
NP> i've got more propositions here,
NP> That's only
NP> that... France is so
NP> beautiful, full of richness and
NP> the cradle of the cinema too and
NP> Japan is the one
NP> of people like Kurozawa that i appreciate very much...
Jesse> You just worked in Australia, and you shooted in Europe ans Africa. Are there some countrys left that you'd like to visit

(a part is missing from the transcript i got but i remember something like these 3 lines...)
NP> Yes of course, there are about 140 countries i'd like ot visit
> Do you visit web sites about you ?
NP> Yes, from time to time...

Fabien> Natalie, do you like France and would you like to go there ?
NP> I've already been there and i'll probably come back soon...
Michel> Hello Natalie ! That gives me great pleasure to talk to you (what an honor!) Do you consider to be an actress ever ? Or do you want to study to do another job ? which one ? I liked a lot Anywhere But Here with Susan Sarandon. How do you explain that it passed unperceived whereas there was a duet of stars !!!
NP> I don't know,
NP> That was a good film though...
NP> we should ask the spectators
NP> why they didn't
NP> go to see the movie rather many...
Alexandre, de Grèce> What 's you your opinion about marriage, family and childre ?
NP> Serious subject that would ask long developments.
NP> anyway, that represents for me fundamental values..
David> If you play in front of a camera or an audience, how can you play credibly the emotions ? For example if you have to cry, do you reminisce a situation of your own life where you were sad ?
NP> i think when i get into
NP> my character, i can do everything,
NP> feel everything...
Stefania from Italia> How could you make it possible ? I mean, you are a great actress, you are so beautiful and so intelligent and always good. and in the same time you are able to have your privacy safe. It's incredible. You are an example for all. Congratulations.
NP> Thank you so so so MUCH Stefania!... Merci beaucoup !!!!!!
Gael> Natalie, who will you vote for in the US Presidential election this fall ?
NP> I don't know yet; i'll decide later... this month! For my friends the french, i don't know yet... i'll decide a bit later in the month
Anne: Hello Natalie ! My name's Anne, i'm 15, i admire you really much! I'd like to know what do you advise to all teenage girls like me, who would like to become actresses ?
NP> It is necessary to follow a course
NP> of comedy if you want to be
NP> the best possible; then,
NP> you got to work, without slackening, really believe
NP> that you're gonna do it... and then
NP> fight everyday for it, even if
NP> it's hard... cause it is hard !!!!!!!!! but some much happiness afterwards !! Go forward !!!!!!!!!!
Mod> Thanks a lot Natalie Portman, a word to conclude ?
NP> Thank to all of you for that moment.... I thank you for your questions.... I love you, and say "see you very soon"... And to our french friends, i'll come in your beautiful country in the beginning of next year !! Thank you and see you !!! :))))
NP> Bye !
Mod> Thank you Natalie and thank to all of you for coming on this chat !!!!!!!


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