«Berichte, Gerüchte, Manipulationen»
[ Das Message Board von NataliePortman.de ] Geschrieben von Aleph am 15. November 2000 18:38:25:
Yup, der Titel ist albern und total überzogen. Aber Du hast draufgedrückt. :P
Laut Natalie Forever gab es auf Much Music, der kanadischen Ausgabe von MTV, ein kurzes Interview mit Natalie in einem New Yorker Club, wo eine Band namens 'Black Eyed Peas' auftrat. Mehr ist nicht bekannt.
NataliePortman.com hat heute nur zwei Bilder im Angebot:- Scan aus der japanischen Zeitschrift Samurai nach Entfernung des Textes (ziemlich gute Qualität).
- Spacig manipuliertes Titelbild des mittlerweile vergriffenen Buchs 'Beyond Beauty'.
Und hier der Episode I-Schnappschuß vom 14. November 2000, vom Server der Natalie Portman News.
DAZZA von NataliePortman.com hat eine alte Filmbesprechung von Moriaty (AICN fame) ausgegraben, die sich auf Natalies Rolle in BG konzentriert und seinerzeit unter der Rubrik "the best performances of 1996" erschien:> Natalie Portman, BEAUTIFUL GIRLS
> The movie itself is forgettable small town midlife guy crisis
> crap, marred by overly-clever dialogue by Scott Rosenberg,
> but there’s something really special in the interplay between
> Tim Hutton and Natalie Portman, and it’s all her. Many
> people were uncomfortable with her in THE
> PROFESSIONAL, and with how she made them feel as they
> watched that film, and it’s almost as if Rosenberg is making
> Hutton a stand-in for the audience. The film bought Portman
> an extra four years of childhood, something that Britney and
> Christina and all their imitators could have used. Portman’s
> charming, bright, funny, and beautiful here, but she’s also
> very apparently a girl, young, still figuring herself out. She’s
> the very essence of what we chase in women, that spark
> that makes us feel young, that makes us feel like anything’s
> possible. In every moment she’s onscreen, BEAUTIFUL
> GIRLS lurches to life, a testament to the potent charisma of
> this performer even then.
Die Internet Movie Database (imdb) hat den Inhalt des Sunday Times-Interviews in ihren PeopleNews aufgegriffen:> Portman Wants No University Stalkers
> Actress Natalie Portman (photos) is determined to keep potential stalkers away at her new
> university - so she's adopted a different surname. Natalie star has taken her maternal
> grandmother's maiden name while at Harvard, so she can keep a low profile while studying.
> She says, "I don't want to have visitors, to be completely blunt. All I've heard is that when
> Brooke Shields (photos) was at Princeton, she had hundreds of visitors a year. I don't want
> that. I don't want to hang out with people I don't know "Some people may find that rude,
> because fans immediately think that, you know, they can be your friend, and that's not the
> relationship I want to have." The 19-year-old admits her friends at Harvard are all such high
> achievers she is as much in awe of them as they are of her. She adds, "Everyone I'm around,
> they're the most amazing people. I mean, just the people in my dorm: the guy upstairs has
> played cello with Yo-Yo Ma, there's a girl who's a published poet, I know a few people who
> went to the Olympics. These kids are all accomplished, and they're interested in my life, but
> I'm as interested in theirs and it's not like, 'Oh my God, you're in a movie!'"
Über einen anzüglichen Hoax, der wohl bei www.ifilm.com seinen Anfang nahm, berichtet Movie.com. Der derbe Scherz bezieht sich auf eine angeblich abgefangene E-Mail einer Angestellten von 20th Century Fox an Lucasfilm, in der Sexszenen in Episode II angesprochen werden. Anakin wird dabei die folgende Textzeile untergejubelt: "Oh, that I could drive myself into you, not to satisfy myself, but to satisfy you to fill you with my seed." - Ahem... gut, sicher.Danke an Natalie Forever für den Link. :P
der Alarm geben wird, sobald die Dezemberausgaben von Empire (UK), JUMP und vor allem Marie Claire (UK) an den deutschen internationalen Zeitungsständen aufschlagen, es sei denn, jemand kommt ihm dankenswerterweise zuvor.