Chaotische Ergänzung zum Neujahrsküßchen
[ Das Message Board von ] Geschrieben von Aleph am 06. Januar 2001 18:31:31:
Als Antwort auf: Erst die Arbeit, dann das Vergnügen geschrieben von Aleph am 04. Januar 2001 18:45:59:
Irgendjemand hat irgendjemanden zu den Sylvesterfeiern der Stars befragt.
Herausgekommen ist dieses mehr oder weniger wirre Schnipselchen:> FNC 1/4/01 - 1:46 PM... front-runners for best actress. Linda: Deservedly i
> have to ask you i can't believe i'm asking you this. >> A lot of celebrities a lot of
> celebrities were at new year's parties of course everyone drinking champagne
> having a good time, and natalie portman, from "star wars" "the phantom
> menace" one of those stars and i'm told this is total gossip this is not usual thing
> we do but. Linda: Not willing to stake the farm on this one. >> I would stake
> some of the farm at least the farm animals. Linda: Okay. >> [Laughter] that she
> had a good time on new year's eve and she was she was definitely kissing, and
> smooching with anybody who would come up to her so she was seen smooching
> with a few people including some of all sexes let's say. Linda: Of all sexes more
> than two? >> You know in hollywood? -- [Laughter]. Linda: Can't believe i
> asked you that question i'm leaveing that one. >> Certainly more than two sexes.
> Linda: Leave it there reed...Quelle:
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