Hat Natalie "Sex, Drugs & Natalie Portman" gesehen?

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Geschrieben von Aleph am 16. September 2000 23:27:41:

Der folgende Bericht von Natalie Portman 2000 legt nahe, daß Natalie zumindest die URL zu Chad Peters "Sex, Drugs & Natalie Portman" kennt:

Natalie has seen SD&NP???

Chad, the director of "Sex, Drugs, and Natalie Portman", reports that Sain Unlimited Magazine(Australia)
has an interview with Natalie in their October issue. Apparently the interviewer asked Natalie about "Sex,
Drugs, and Natalie Portman".......maybe she has seen it?

Update: Here is text to the article, hopefully we will have a scan by tomorrow:

I was on the net earlier today, and there's this guy whose made a short film called Sex, Drugs
& Natalie Portman
(Biggest Laugh of the day)
It's a ten minute short about a boy who loves two girls. One of them is you and one of them
is his girlfriend, but he makes a choice and chooses his girlfriend, but she rejects him. So he
gets totally drunk and then makes a wish, and finds that you've inhabited his body (A fit of
laughter from Natalie) then everybody gets drunk and thats how it ends!
(Still Laughing) Great!

Interviewer Writes: After the laughter had died down and details of the site are passed on,
Natalie demands it's time to do the "Sydney Thing" - David Michael



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